5 Signs It Might Be Time...

When is it time to pursue testing?

 Psychoeducational evaluations identify your child’s specific strengths and weaknesses, give context for what’s happening academically, and provide a diagnosis that allows access to interventions and/or accommodations within the school system.  Sometimes parents delay because they aren’t sure it’s the right time. Here are five signs it’s time to pursue testing for your child.

#1.  You should get an evaluation when you know something is different about how your child learns, but you just can’t quite figure out what.  It might be something as simple as noticing that it seems to be taking longer for your child to do some things. If your gut tells you something is different, think about getting an evaluation.  The earlier you identify the problem, the better able you are to intervene.

#2.  You should pursue testing if your child is falling behind in school, despite the same opportunities.  Testing is helpful so your child can get the intervention they need as early as possible.  

#3.  Think about testing if your child is struggling emotionally, especially at school.  Kids tend to start noticing something is different about them and that they’re not achieving what they could be around second or third grade. An evaluation and diagnosis can help you obtain the academic services you need.  Most importantly, it can validate your child’s experience and help them understand what’s happening.

#4.  Get an evaluation when your child is identified as “at-risk” and interventions provided at the school aren’t working.  Testing can help identify what’s needed intervention-wise for your child.  That information is provided in a psychoeducational evaluation.

#5. Testing is recommended when you have done everything you can, but things have not improved.  Psychoeducational evaluations can serve as a road map for your child’s specific strengths and weaknesses.  They help to identify the interventions and accommodations that will bring out the best in your child.   

Dr. McDonald is an expert in the area of learning disorders and attention difficulties.  If you are concerned your child might be struggling at school, give her a call.  She can discuss your unique situation with you and recommend the path forward.


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